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How to Trigger Off-Canvas Content from Menu Item?

PowerPack Off-Canvas Content provides an option to use HTML ID & Classes as triggers which can be used to trigger Off-Canvas Content using any element on the site. Let us see how this feature can be used to trigger Off-Canvas Content using a Menu Item.

Step 1: Add Custom  CSS Class to Menu Item#

a. Open WP Admin > Appearance > Menus

b. In the top-right corner, click Screen Options and enable CSS Classes

c. Now add a Menu Item to the Menu and add a custom CSS Class to it.

We'll use this custom class to trigger the Off-Canvas Content.

Step 2: Add Custom Class to Off-Canvas Content#

a. Add Off-Canvas Content Widget to the editor and select Toggle > Toggle Source > Element Class

b. Now add the custom Class Added to the Menu Item in Step 1 (c) to the field and Off-Canvas will now be triggering on clicking the Menu Item.

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