
How to Create a Full-Screen Off-Canvas Panel?

Off-Canvas Design is dedicated website content that is displayed out of sight of the user until he/she clicks on a button or an icon to make it visible. Off-Canvas Design is trending nowadays, mainly because, it is user-friendly and helps in creating a great responsive design.

PowerPack Addons for Elementor provide Off-Canvas Widget which can be used for creating engaging off-canvas panels on your site. It comes with four direction and animation options:

  1. Slide
  2. Reveal
  3. Push
  4. Slide Along

The best part about Off-Canvas Widget is you can easily use it to place content across different sections to make your website more interactive.

Here's a guide on how to create a full-screen off-canvas panel on your website.

Required Plugins: Elementor & PowerPack Add-ons for Elementor

Place Off-Canvas Widget in a Page/Section#

  • Head Over to the page/post or section/template where you want to display the full-screen off-canvas panel.
  • Drag & drop the Off-Canvas Widget to the editor. In the below image, we have displayed the Off-Canvas widget in center in a Page.

Off Canvas Widget
Off Canvas Widget

Edit the Styling of Off-Canvas Widget#

  • Head over to Style >> Offcanvas Bar.
  • The size of the Offcanvas Bar is ideally set in Pixels. Change it to %.

Offcanvas Bar
Offcanvas Bar

  • Increase the Size of the Offcanvas Bar to 100%.

Size of Offcanvas Bar
Size of Offcanvas Bar

Update the page#

Now, just preview the page/post. You’ll be able to see the Off-Canvas Widget. When you click on the icon, a full-screen off-canvas panel with your content will be displayed on your screen. That’s Off-Canvas content for you.

Here, in our example, we have inserted a Contact Form Section in the Content Type option of Off-Canvas Widget. So, when we click on the Off-Canvas icon, the full-screen contact form appears.

Full-Screen Off-Canvas Panel
Full-Screen Off-Canvas Panel

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