Recipe Widget For Elementor
Display delicious food recipes on your website in a spectacular manner with the Recipe Widget of PowerPack Addons for Elementor. You can change the recipe widget’s styling easily and
make it look the way you want.
Styling Options To Create Stunning Recipe Pages
With the styling options available in the PowerPack Addons Recipe Widget, you can change the look and feel of your recipe section entirely. You can customize the styling, typography, colors, spacing for each section individually. Whether ingredients, instructions, cooking notes, or the recipe section, you can customize them all!
Strawberry Fudge Mocktail
- Prep Time 15 Minutes
- Cook Time 30 Minutes
- Total Time 45 Minutes
- Serves 2 People
- Calories 200 kcal
- Pasta Dough
- Flour, Salt, Water
- Vegetables, Sauces, spiralli
- Macaroni, spaghetti, lasagne sheets
- Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
- Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
- Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Control Over Recipe’s Content
The content tab entirely takes care of what is displayed on your layout. Details like prep time, cook time, calories, servings, and total time can easily be set by entering the time in the respective fields.
Create A Dedicated Recipe Page With Recipe Structured Data
PowerPack Recipe Widget generates recipe structured data that helps SERPs crawl and understand your WordPress site content easily, giving your food blog a high search ranking on the web. Non need to embed any custom code or dedicated schema plugin to create structured recipes on Elementor.
Caffe Cappccino Coffee
- Prep Time 15 Minutes
- Cook Time 30 Minutes
- Total Time 45 Minutes
- Serves 2 People
- Calories 200 kcal
- Cocoa Seeds
- Triticale, Milk
- Brown Sugar, Black Beans
- Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
- Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
- Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Enable Recipe Schema Markup
You can add Recipe Schema Markup without embedding any HTML code to your Elementor websites. You can even add keywords related to your recipe, define recipe cuisine, category, and allow Google to understand your recipes better.
Display Ingredients And Instructions For The Recipe
The recipe widget’s content tab has separate sections for ingredients and instructions. You can enter the details in the respective fields, and if you want to add more ingredients or instructions, you can do the same by adding new fields. Just like that!
Creating Recipes Is Now Easy With Elementor Page Builder
More advanced options to create beautiful recipe sections with Elementor.
Custom Recipe Title
Add eye-catchy customized recipe titles to grab your visitors’ attention.
Add Recipe Notes
You can even add precautionary, or suggestion notes about your recipes.