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How to trigger Popup Box by URL?

PowerPack’s Modal Popup Box widget has the capability to create custom content, image, video, form, template popup boxes with various trigger options – auto-load, on-click, and exit intent.

Here we will discuss how to trigger Popup Box by URL:

  • Head over to Modal Box Widget > Trigger and click on "Enable URL Trigger".
  • Next, add ID for the Popup Box widget to the Element ID field. As you can see in the below screenshot, we have added the ID as "popup-box".

Trigger Popup Box by URL
Trigger Popup Box by URL

  • Publish the page.
  • Now, appending this ID after the existing URL will Trigger the Popup Box. So, the URL to trigger the Popup Box will be ""
  • If you want, you can add this URL to any button or link and it should trigger the Popup Box.

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