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Business Reviews Widget Overview

PowerPack Business Reviews Widget allows you to showcase business reviews from Google and Yelp on your WordPress websites using Elementor page builder and that too without embedding any HTML code!

Further, you also get multiple styling options to customize reviews according to your preferences:

Let's take a closer look at the Business Reviews Widget in detail:

Content tab of the Business Reviews Widget#

The content tab of the Business Reviews Widget consists of 4 sections:

  1. Business Reviews
  2. Layout
  3. Filters
  4. Review Details

Let us now go over each of these sections in more detail:

Business Reviews#

  • Skin: Choose Classic or Card skin type for reviews display.

classic and card skin

  • Reviews Source : Display business reviews from Google, Yelp, or both sites.

google and yelp reviews

If you want to display business reviews from Google, you need to add the Google Places API key to PowerPack settings. Check out the doc on how to get Google Places API key to display Google Reviews to learn more!

If you choose Yelp as a Reviews Source, you'll require to add the Yelp API key to PowerPack settings. Check the doc on how to get Yelp API Key to display Yelp reviews for more info.

  • Refresh Reviews after: This feature automatically refresh reviews after the defined time. You can set the time to refresh reviews after Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year.

business reviews settings


  • Layout: Choose Grid or Carousel layout.
  • Number of Reviews: Select the number of reviews you want to be showcased on the active screen.
  • Columns: Define the number of columns.

If you choose the Carousel layout, you'll get more advanced options to customize the carousel layout. Check out the screenshot below to view all the options.

carousel settings


  • Filter By: You can choose to filter and display reviews by Minimum Rating and Review Date.
  • Minimum Rating: Set minimum rating to show reviews greater than or equal to minimum rating.

business reviews widget settings

Review Details#

In this section, you get plenty of options to customize your review display. You can Show/Hide:

  • Reviewer Image, set Image Position and Overall Alignment.
  • Reviewer Name and Link Name to original review source.
  • Star Rating and Review Source Icon.
  • Review Date and choose Relative or Numeric date type.
  • Review Text, define review Text Length, and customize Read More button text.

review details

Style Tab of the Business Reviews Widget#

In the Style tab, you get styling options to customize every single element of the Business Reviews Widget, and this tab consists of 9 sections:

  1. Layout
  2. Box
  3. Image
  4. Name
  5. Review Date
  6. Rating
  7. Review Text
  8. Arrows
  9. Pagination: Dots

Let's see all the styling options in more detail:


  • Columns Gap: Adjust the Columns Gap from this option.

layout options


In the Box subsection, you get options to customize the review box by changing Background Color, adding Border, choosing Border Color, and adding Box Shadow.

Further, you can add a Separator in the box and choose Color and separator Size.

review box styling options


Here you can customize Reviewers Image by changing Image Size, adjusting Gap, and adding Border.

business reviews widget image customization


If you want to style Reviewers Name, you can also do that by changing Color, altering Typography, and adjusting Bottom Spacing.

name customizations

Review Date, Rating, and Review Text#

Like the above options, you get multiple options to style Review Date, Rating, and Review Text.

Arrows #

  • You can choose the Arrow Icon from the icon library.
  • Choose Arrow Size.
  • Define Alignment for Left and Right Arrow.
  • Add Background Color for arrows.
  • Customize Arrows color.
  • Select Border Type, Border Radius, and Padding.

arrows customization

Pagination: Dots#

Here you get options to customize the pagination dots. You can:

  • Set Dots Position Inside or Outside of the review box.
  • Define dots size and adjust spacing.
  • Choose dots color.
  • Customize active dot color.
  • Add Border, set Border Radius, and Margin.

pagination dots customization

This was a detailed overview of the PowerPack Business Reviews Widget for Elementor.

Hope this helps!

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