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Actions Hooks for Post Widget

The parameters used in the action hooks are the following.

Parameter Type Description
$settings Array This is the entire array for setting the particular dragged dropped Post Widget. One can add conditional logic as per the selected options in the settings.
$post_id Number This is the single post ID in the loop. This is useful when one wants to fetch post specific data and display it.


This hook triggers before posts outer wrap. You can use it for adding additional content before the container that wraps all of the posts in the grid.

function post_outer_wrap_before( $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am visible before the outer wrap of the posts. 
Use me to add some additional content before the post wrap begins. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_posts_outer_wrap', 'post_outer_wrap_before', 10, 1 );


This hook triggers after posts outer wrap. You can use it for adding additional content after the container that wraps all of the posts in the grid.

function post_outer_wrap_after( $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am visible after the outer wrap of the posts.
Use me to add some additional content after the post wrap ends. </div>';
add_action( 'ppe_after_posts_outer_wrap', 'post_outer_wrap_after', 10, 1 );


This hook triggers before posts outer wrap. You can use it for adding additional content before the container that wraps all of the posts in the grid.

function post_outer_wrap_before( $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am visible before the outer wrap of the posts. Use me to add some additional content before the post wrap begins. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_posts_outer_wrap', 'post_outer_wrap_before', 10, 1 );


This hook triggers after posts outer wrap. You can use it for adding additional content after the container that wraps all of the posts in the grid.

function post_outer_wrap_after( $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am visible after the outer wrap of the posts. Use me to add some additional content after the post wrap ends. </div>';
add_action( 'ppe_after_posts_outer_wrap', 'post_outer_wrap_after', 10, 1 );


This hook triggers after posts wrap. You can use it for adding additional content after the container that wraps all of the posts in the grid.

function post_wrap_before( $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am visible after the outer wrap of the posts. Use me to add some additional content before the post wrap begins. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_posts_wrap', 'post_wrap_before', 10, 1 );


This hook triggers before posts wrap ends. You can use it for adding additional content before the container that wraps all of the posts in the grid.

function post_wrap_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am visible before the outer wrap of the posts end. Use me to add some additional content before the post wrap ends. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_posts_wrap', 'post_wrap_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Single Post Wrap. You can use it for adding additional content before the container that wraps individual posts.

function single_post_wrap_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the single post wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_wrap', 'single_post_wrap_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Single Post Wrap end. You can use it for adding additional content after the container that wraps individual posts.

function single_post__wrap_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the single post wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_wrap', 'single_post_wrap_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the single post wrap container. You can use it to add additional content after the container that wraps individual posts.

function single_post_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the single post inner wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post', 'single_post_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the single post wrap container. You can use it to add additional content after the container that wraps individual posts ends.

function single_post_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the single post inner wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post', 'single_post_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers the individual post content. You can use it to add additional content before the Post Content container begins.

function pp_post_content_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the single post content wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_content', 'pp_post_content_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the individual post content container end. You can use it to add additional content after the Post Content container end.

function pp_post_content_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the single post content wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_content', 'pp_post_content_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the thumbnail. You can use it to add additional content before the thumbnail container begins.

function pp_post_thumbnail_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post thumbnail. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_thumbnail', 'pp_post_thumbnail_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the thumbnail container end. You can use it to add additional content after the thumbnail container end.

function pp_post_thumbnail_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post thumbnail. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_thumbnail', 'pp_post_thumbnail_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Meta. You can use it to add additional content before the meta container begins.

function pp_post_meta_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post meta. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_meta', 'pp_post_meta_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Post Meta container end. You can use it to add additional content after the meta container end.

function pp_post_meta_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post meta. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_meta', 'pp_post_meta_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Terms list. You can use it to add additional content before the terms list begins.

function pp_post_term_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post terms. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_terms', 'pp_post_term_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Post Terms list end. You can use it to add additional content after the list end.

function pp_post_term_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post terms. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_terms', 'pp_post_term_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Comments. You can use it to add additional content before the comment container begins.

function pp_post_comment_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post comments. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_comments', 'pp_post_comment_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the comment container end. You can use it to add additional content after the comments.

function pp_post_comment_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post comments. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_comments', 'pp_post_comment_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Meta-Date. You can use it to add additional content before the date.

function pp_post_date_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post date. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_date', 'pp_post_date_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the date end. You can use it to add additional content after the date container end.

function pp_post_date_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post date. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_date', 'pp_post_date_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Meta-Author Name. You can use it to add additional content before the Author’s name begins.

function pp_post_author_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post author. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_author', 'pp_post_author_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Post Meta-Author Name. You can use it to add additional content after the Author’s Name.

function pp_post_author_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post author. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_author', 'pp_post_author_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Title. You can use it to add additional content before the post title.

function pp_post_title_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post title. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_title', 'pp_post_title_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Post Title container end. You can use it to add additional content after the post title.

function pp_post_title_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post title. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_title', 'pp_post_title_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Post Excerpt container begins. You can use it to add additional content before the excerpt begins.

function pp_post_excerpt_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post excerpt. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_excerpt', 'pp_post_excerpt_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Post Excerpt container end. You can use it to add additional content after the excerpt end.

function pp_post_excerpt_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post excerpt. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_excerpt', 'pp_post_excerpt_after', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers before the Read More button. You can use it to add additional content before the button.

function pp_post_button_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post button. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_before_single_post_button', 'pp_post_button_before', 10, 2 );


This hook triggers after the Read More button. You can use it to add additional content after the button.

function pp_post_button_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
echo '<div> I am at the end of the post button. </div>'; 
add_action( 'ppe_after_single_post_button', 'pp_post_button_after', 10, 2 );

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