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Change Logs

Check out what’s new in PowerPack Addons for Elementor

2.10.13 – March 16, 2024


  • Advanced Posts – Masonry layout was not working in Portfolio skin
  • Info Box – Image shrink issue with left and right alignment

Security Fix

  • Improved code security in PowerPack widgets

2.10.12 – March 13, 2024


  • Dual Heading – Added Text Stroke option
  • Fancy Heading – Added Text Stroke option
  • Info Box – Added Text Stroke option for Title and Subtitle
  • Info Grid & Carousel – Added Text Stroke option for Title and Subtitle
  • Info Grid & Carousel – Added Text Shadow option for Title and Subtitle
  • Icon List – Added Adjust Vertical Position option
  • Testimonials – Added Text Shadow option for Name and Position


  • Counter – Subtitle was not showing in editor
  • Team Member Carousel – JS error in editor when link is added
  • Gravity Forms – Dropdown arrows was not showing in some browsers

2.10.11 – February 13, 2024


  • Video – Added dynamic tags support for Start Time and End Time options
  • Video Gallery – Added dynamic tags support for Start Time and End Time options


  • Advanced Posts – Some of the controls were not working
  • Image Gallery – Link Icon option
  • Image Slider – Align Arrows option
  • Categories – List Icon color option was not working for SVG icons
  • Table of Contents – JS error when widget is used inside container and Scroll To option is set to Table of Contents

Security Fix

  • Improved code security in PowerPack widgets

2.10.10 – January 30, 2024


  • Video Gallery – Removed conditions from Text Align option


  • Video Gallery – Overlay hover style options
  • Offcanvas Content – PHP error in close button
  • Album – Subtitle hover color option
  • Image Slider – Scale option was not working with Equal Height option set to Yes

2.10.9 – January 3, 2024


  • Display Conditions – Issue with repeater fields
  • Video Gallery – Content over thumbnail on hover option was not working

Security Fix

  • Updated codebase for enhanced security

2.10.8 – December 29, 2023


  • Display Conditions – PHP fatal error in the last update when using some of the ACF display conditions

2.10.7 – December 29, 2023


  • Display Conditions – Updated logic to get ACF field values from user profile pages


  • Video – Aspect Ratio option was not working
  • Video Gallery – Aspect Ratio option was not working
  • Advanced Menu – Submenu Link Color option was not applying to SVG dropdown icon
  • Woo Cart – Minor CSS issue on mobile when Cross Sells section is shown
  • Advanced Posts – Carousel layout was not working in the Elementor editor
  • Image Slider – Carousel layout was not working in the Elementor editor
  • Tabbed Gallery – Carousel layout was not working in the Elementor editor
  • Woo Products – Carousel layout was not working in the Elementor editor
  • Woo Categories – Carousel layout was not working in the Elementor editor

Security Fix

  • Improved code security on PowerPack settings page

2.10.6 – December 19, 2023


  • Login Form – Google login was not working
  • Woo My Account – PHP error when help docs were disabled from PowerPack white label settings

2.10.5 – December 12, 2023


  • Categories – Added options to set Image Border and Border Radius
  • Pricing Table – Added more units for Tooltip Icon Spacing option
  • Logo Grid – Added more units support for logo title spacing option
  • Timeline – Added Image Position option
  • Timeline – Added image styling options
  • Timeline – Added border color option for timeline items
  • Timeline – Added CSS Classes option for timeline items
  • Hotspots – Added hotspot size option for single hotspots
  • Hotspots – Added CSS ID and CSS Classes options for hotspots


  • Video Gallery – Overlay color option
  • Pricing Table – Tooltip Icon Spacing option
  • Logo Grid – Logos styles were applying to logo container instead of logo images
  • Offcanvas Content – Text color option was overriding Link color option


  • Display Conditions – Added ppe_post_display_condition_post_types filter to add support for custom post types

2.10.4 – November 28, 2023


  • Info List – Link type Box option now also links the Info List icon
  • Buttons – Updated Buttons Spacing option to add row spacing when button stack
  • Logo Carousel – Added option to show or hide logo title
  • Logo Grid – Added option to show or hide logo title
  • Logo Grid – Repeater items now show logo title instead of Logo Image text


  • Video Gallery – Videos overlap issue on mobile
  • Video Gallery – Thumbnail was not clickable when content position set Over Thumbnail or Over Thumbnail on Hover
  • Advanced Posts – Excerpt length option was not working for posts loaded after clicking load more button
  • Advanced Tabs – Icon Type icon option was not working
  • Gravity Forms – Submit Button alignment option was not working
  • Compatibility issues with PHP 8

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